I went from struggling student to young millionaire using online income-generating tools. I am not bragging; this is meant to show you that it is possible. Use my story as inspiration to make your life what you want it to be and achieve financial freedom.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

$1,003,256 in my savings account!

I knew it was coming, but the feeling of actually passing the finish line is unbelievable. When I first started, I doubted very much that I could even come close to amassing such a large sum of money. But, once I got rolling and learned new tricks and ideas, the money started to grow very quickly. My starting account balance was $4,510 and my first goal was to make $10 on the internet by whatever means possible. I sold an old DVD player I had on eBay and made a profit of about $14. After that, I was hooked. Don’t doubt yourself. Set goals and work toward them.

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