I went from struggling student to young millionaire using online income-generating tools. I am not bragging; this is meant to show you that it is possible. Use my story as inspiration to make your life what you want it to be and achieve financial freedom.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Made $4,300 Selling College T-Shirts

A while ago I decided that there was potentially a market for college t-shirts on my campus. I was able to make t-shirts and sell them for $5 cheeper than any other source. I was selling the shirts for $20 apiece and it was costing me about $7 to make each shirt. Find a place to buy bulk t-shirts and a place to have them printed. You will be surprised at the income you can generate. I set up an online store on a free hosting site and invited my friends and their friends to take a look. Before I knew it I had sold over 300 shirts!

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