I went from struggling student to young millionaire using online income-generating tools. I am not bragging; this is meant to show you that it is possible. Use my story as inspiration to make your life what you want it to be and achieve financial freedom.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Haven't Made Money From Affiliate Marketing? You Will.

Affiliate marketing means you advertise another company's product on your blog or website and get paid a lot of money for each sale you are responsible for. Personally, this has been my main source of income from the internet. I am careful to choose products that I would want and I drive traffic to my site using many advertising mediums. Paying a small amount for advertising on Facebook can go a long way, trust me. The power of affiliate marketing is incredible. I generated close to $300,000 in my first year and a half. I guarantee that if you try an affiliate marketing site like PayDotCom and open an account to post advertisments, you will see your bank account grow. Don't wait. Look into it and start down your path to financial freedom!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turn Your Spare Time Into Money... $40,000!

In the beginnings of my search for ways to make money on the internet, I knew that it would be very difficult to advertise and sell products. So, I looked for ways to work. If there is one avenue I would suggest to you it would be data entry. It is the easiest and fastest way I have found to get started in making money and you have the opportunity to work with companies from all around the world. To date, I have made close to $40,000 by following simple instructions from data entry companies. I managed to make over $1000 some days and, if I had a day job, would have probably quit. Look into the amazing money making possibilities that data entry offers!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

$1,003,256 in my savings account!

I knew it was coming, but the feeling of actually passing the finish line is unbelievable. When I first started, I doubted very much that I could even come close to amassing such a large sum of money. But, once I got rolling and learned new tricks and ideas, the money started to grow very quickly. My starting account balance was $4,510 and my first goal was to make $10 on the internet by whatever means possible. I sold an old DVD player I had on eBay and made a profit of about $14. After that, I was hooked. Don’t doubt yourself. Set goals and work toward them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Over-estimate the Amount of Money You Need to Start Making Investments

When I reached around $50,000 I made the decision to look at how I could invest some of the money. Like many other people, I thought that real estate was the only real way to ensure a solid return. And $50,000 doesn't buy you much in the real estate world. If you want to invest some of your money, I suggest looking into a trial stock market run. You get fake money to invest and you can begin to learn how the market works. Once you think you are ready, you can invest real money in stocks. I was very fortunate and made over $3000 in just a few weeks. I picked very good stocks and saw a great return, but there is nothing stopping you from harnessing the power of the stock market. Try AVAFX to get your feet wet in foreign exchange.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Made $4,300 Selling College T-Shirts

A while ago I decided that there was potentially a market for college t-shirts on my campus. I was able to make t-shirts and sell them for $5 cheeper than any other source. I was selling the shirts for $20 apiece and it was costing me about $7 to make each shirt. Find a place to buy bulk t-shirts and a place to have them printed. You will be surprised at the income you can generate. I set up an online store on a free hosting site and invited my friends and their friends to take a look. Before I knew it I had sold over 300 shirts!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One of My Favorite Quotes

"My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them...from the perspective of wanting to live life to the full, I felt that I had to attempt it."

- Richard Branson

This man started with almost nothing and now owns the Virgin empire with a net worth of about $3 billion. He is one of my biggest inspirations and, to me, this quote is something to live by. I highly recommend his book.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Use Facebook for More Than Just Socializing

Setting up a fanpage on Facebook is one of the most effective tools available for getting people to look at your product. You have the attention of your friends, your friends' friends, etc. at your fingertips. The first fanpage I started on Facebook was for a service I was offering. I would proofread term papers and charge $2/page. On average the papers would be around 10 pages. That's an easy $20. If you have a skill, use it and make money. People want another set of eyes on their work and I looked at over 90 different essays.